Structure your contact center with PASS

Combine ticketing, smart routing, and support journeys into a single tool that's compatible with your systems

More than 150 companies around the world trust us for 500+ users

Make your after-sales service a profit center

Organize, manage and trace your interventions

Sort and categorize your interventions by customer, type of intervention or equipment, and centralize all the essential data to maximize the effectiveness of your technical support.

Generate, download and share your intervention reports

Generate detailed documents that capture every aspect of your field operations. Export this data easily in order to then share it with your teams or customers.

Assign your customer requests according to the expert

Effectively allocate your service requests by assigning them to the best qualified expert. Use our intuitive system to optimize the distribution of tasks and improve customer satisfaction.

Offer your field teams a quick and accurate diagnosis

Our chatbot guides your field teams to diagnose problems independently. Integrate it directly on your website or via QR codes on your equipment.
en quelques chiffre clés

De réduction des coûts de SAV


D’augmentation du taux de résolution au premier appel


de la satisfaction client

Be more efficient
Do more with few resources

GMAO Simplifiée

Des fonctionnalités complètes

  • Planifiez votre calendrier des maintenances préventives.

  • Priorisez des demandes en fonction de leur urgence.

  • Suivez et centralisez des demandes pour une meilleure visibilité.

  • Permettez à vos clients de planifier un rendez-vous avec un expert à un moment qui leur convient.

  • Suivez en temps réel vos interventions.

  • Gérez vos stocks et vos pièces de rechange.

  • Mentionnez les tickets (ouverts, résolus, fermés).

  • Profitez du traducteur IA en direct pour vos clients internationaux.

Smart assistant

Autonomous support journey via Chatbot

  • Our chatbot guides your technicians and customers through a series of questions to diagnose problems independently.

  • Provide immediate solutions with direct access to technical documentation via PASS.

  • Integrate the chatbot directly on your website or via QR codes placed on your equipment.

  • Transformez les demandes d'assistance en sessions de visio-assistance, et guidez vos clients précisément sans téléchargement d'application, ni identifiant.

Give your field teams the tools they need to resolve customer issues quickly and effectively.

Seamless integrations with your systems

Kolus integrates with market-leading CRM, CMMS and ERP solutions for centralized management of your data and better collaboration between your teams

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In a few key figures

They trust us

“With Kolus, our service technicians see exactly what our customers see in front of the machines. We are able to locate problems without being on site. This reduces machine downtime and customer frustration.”

Author name

“We were looking for a solution to support our customers and technicians in real time during troubleshooting.”

Author name

Grâce au PASS Kolus, nous avons réussi à cibler les problématiques des clients. Nous avons mis à disposition pour les utilisateurs des vidéos tutoriels, un parcours d’assistance complet ainsi qu’une relation directe avec les techniciens en visio.

Anthony Lubin
Directeur Technique chez FASSI

L’utilisation de Kolus nous permet de guider nos clients de façon très intuitive et très pédagogique au service à la fois de notre efficacité et l’optimisation de nos ressources ainsi que la satisfaction de nos clients.

Hervé MAO
Président ADVINEO

“The search for a solution that would allow us to support our customers and technicians during repairs led us to Kolus. The ease of use, requiring no installation on customer devices, represents a real advance.”

Sébastien Utard
After-sales manager

“We chose Kolus for its easy deployment and efficiency. Our network of international distributors quickly adapted to this solution, which reinforced our digital after-sales service strategy.”

Gilles Payet-Burin
Technical Support Manager

“We use Kolus for the technical support of our customers in France and internationally. Our customers appreciate the simplicity of implementation. There is no software or application to download/install.”

Christophe Blaineau
Technical manager

“Working with Kolus has transformed our approach to technical support. The ability to have the user manipulated for immediate troubleshooting, or to perform an accurate diagnosis before intervention, is a game changer.”

Eric Rat
Process and Technical Support Manager

“With Kolus, our service technicians see exactly what our customers see in front of the machines. We are able to locate problems without being on site. This reduces machine downtime and customer frustration.”

Michael Hinterberger
Training team leader

“We have adopted Kolus in our maintenance and repair department for 6 months now. As a referent, I use it to guide my colleagues in the field and it saves me from having to travel.”

Denis Autran
Maintenance Department Manager

Do not wait any longer. Start your
try it for free today.

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