How to attract and keep technicians in maintenance and after-sales service? Not that simple, but doable!

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In the world of maintenance and after-sales service, finding competent technicians is... how to say? A real obstacle course. If you are in this sector, you have surely already experienced it. We recruit one, we think we can rest easy, and then bam, he leaves six months later! And the worst thing is that it's only getting worse. Between the shortage of talent and new technical needs, it is more and more difficult. But hey, we're not going to give up, are we? Come on, let's see what we can do to get out of it.

1. Why is there so much shortage of technicians?

Frankly, there is no mystery. First, a lot of experienced technicians are retiring. This is a bit the reality of demographic aging. But the problem is that there is no real succession. Young people are not scrambling for these jobs. Maybe because it's not valued enough? Or else, there is a discrepancy with what we teach them in training. Technology advances so quickly that training courses don't always keep up. Result: a lot of candidates, but few with the required skills.

2. Attracting talent: the salary, yes, but not only!

Obviously, the salary is important. But let's be honest, that's not all. Technicians also want to evolve, progress, and have career opportunities. Besides, they don't say no to a nice work environment. If you offer all of this, that's already a big plus.

Then, visibility. How do you want to recruit if no one knows you exist? LinkedIn, trade shows, technical schools: you have to be where the technicians are. That's where you can find them. And if possible, start early: offer internships or apprenticeships to attract young people before they are even on the market.

3. Keeping your technicians: not so easy

So now that's the trickiest part. Once you've recruited someone, how do you get them to stay? Turnover is a real scourge in this profession. First, show them that they have a future with you. Technicians need to know that they can evolve, that they are not going to get stuck in the same position. It's simple, isn't it?

And then there is recognition. There's a lot of talk about bonuses, but sometimes a simple “well done” or “thank you” after a successful mission can make all the difference. It doesn't cost anything, but it matters a lot.

4. Digitalization: a win-win

Ah, digitalization! We talk about it all the time, but it's really a major change in service and maintenance. Today, your technicians no longer need to travel for each intervention, thanks to tools such as video assistance. With tools like Kolus, they can solve problems remotely, in real time. It's a huge time-saver, and it reduces fatigue due to travel.

The example of FASSI, manufacturer of hydraulic cranes, is perfect. Thanks to Kolus, their technicians can diagnose faults remotely, which has reduced downtime. Fewer trips, more efficiency. Frankly, everyone is a winner.

5. Soft skills: we don't talk about them enough

Technical skills are good, but today, Soft Skills are just as important. Knowing how to manage stress, communicate with colleagues or customers, solve a problem quickly: these are qualities that businesses are increasingly looking for. It's not just technique, it's human.

There are even companies that have started to train their technicians in soft skills. Result? More cohesive, more effective teams. It shows that it is a worthwhile investment.

6. Flexibility: the holy grail of the moment

We hear more and more about flexibility at work, and it's the same for technicians. They appreciate having a bit of freedom in managing their schedule. Even if not all of them can work from home, giving them a little flexibility in organizing their day can make all the difference.

Tools like Kolus, which make it possible to manage interventions remotely, also help to offer this flexibility. Fewer trips, more comfort, and ultimately, a better quality of life for your technicians. Who would refuse that?


Finally, yes, recruiting and keeping technicians in the maintenance and after-sales service sector is a big challenge. But with good practices — an attractive salary, continuing education, adapted digital tools — you have every chance of succeeding. By taking care of your technicians, you will ensure the success of your business. It's as simple as that.

Don't wait any longer—try it for free today.

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